Monday, September 8, 2014

Vocab List #3 (fall

1. Coherent - Logical and consistent; reasonable.
In order to change someone’s opinion about something, your reasoning has to be more coherent than the opposing side.

2. Belabor - To attack or assault, physically or verbally.
The members of Isis are currently planning to belabor countries like America and Europe.

3. Eschew - Deliberately avoid using; refrain from.
When Karen found out that her favorite makeup company tested their products on animals, she immediately began to eschew Maybelline.

4. Acquisitive - Excessively interested in acquiring money or material things; greedy.
Rich people stay rich because they are very acquisitive.

5. Emulate - To imitate, copy, or mirror; follow.
Some say that history likes to emulate itself, and others disagree.

6. Banal - Lacking originality, making it obvious and boring; stereotyped.
When people find out where I am from, the first question that is banally asked is “do you surf?”

7. Excoriation - Going against/Verbally attacking (someone/something).
A group of people began an excoriation in front of the abortion clinic screaming “It isn’t your body, so it isn’t your choice!”

8. Congeal - To solidify or coagulate; thicken.
After magma reaches the Earth’s surface and flows down it’s path, the lava begins to congeal and it turns black.

9. Carping - Difficult to please; critical.
Simon Cowell is famously known for his carping personality that he had when he was a judge on American Idol.

10. Substantiate - To provide evidence to prove or support the truth of; confirm.
In the court of law, anyone being trialled is innocent until substantiated as guilty, because it is unconstitutional to send an innocent person to a penitentiary.

11. Temporize - To avoid making a decision or committing oneself to gain time; stall.
Because the lead guitarist of Charlie’s band was late he had to temporize the audience with jokes that weren’t very intriguing.

12. Largesse - Generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others.
Those that have nothing tend to have more largesse than those that are financially well, because they understand what it is like to have nothing.

13. Tenable - Able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
A bank that has very good security is one that has tenable members.

14. Insatiable - Impossible to satisfy; uncontrollable.
As Michael looked into Sally’s eyes he spoke with an affectionate tone in his voice saying “My love for you is as insatiable as the current of the ocean.”

15. Reconnaissance - Military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features; investigation or examination.
In order to stay alive and be aware, the U.S. Marines have to make a reconnaissance of the area before settling.

16. Germane - Relevant to a subject under consideration; appropriate.
As Nathan was talking in class, Dr. Preston calmly explained that “there is a time and a place for everything” and it wasn’t germane to interrupt class with an off topic conversation.

17. Ramify - To divide or spread out into branches; to form subdivisions.
To avoid dictatorship the U.S. decided to ramify the government into three separate branches; executive, legislative, and judicial.

18. Intransigent - Unwilling or refusing to change one’s views or agree about something; uncompromising or stubborn.
Although Sandra explained that Anthocyanins made roses red, little Timmy remained intransigent with his “fairies paint the roses red” opinion.

19. Taciturn - Reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little, quiet or secretive.
Lisa seemed very taciturn, until John decided to strike up a conversation with her that went on for hours.