Friday, October 17, 2014

Vocab fall list # 7

1. Pratfall - a fall onto one's buttocks.
2. Bewilder - cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.
3. Titillation - To stimulate by touching lightly; tickle.
4. Theremin - an electronic musical instrument in which the tone is generated by two high-frequency oscillators and the pitch controlled by the movement of the performer's hand toward and away from the circuit.
5. Tabloids - a newspaper having pages half the size of those of a standard newspaper, typically popular in style and dominated by headlines, photographs, and sensational stories.
6. Centrifuge - a machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies centrifugal force to its contents, typically to separate fluids of different densities (e.g., cream from milk) or liquids from solids.
7. Haltingly - stopping often because of not being sure about what to say or do; not steady
8. Probing - physically explore or examine (something) with the hands or an instrument.
9. Stagnant -  having no current or flow and often having an unpleasant smell as a consequence.

10. Cacophony - a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Vocab list (fall) #6

Tatters - torn pieces of cloth, paper, or other material.
Merely - just; only.
Vast - very great extent or quantity; immense.
Parlor - a sitting room in a private house.
Abrupt - sudden and unexpected; immediate.
Refracted - change of direction when it enters at an angle.
Immense - extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
Imperceptibly - impossible to perceive.
Ventilator - an appliance or aperture for ventilating a room or other space.

Olfactory - of or relating to the sense of smell.